Incidence of VLE - Virtual Learning Environments in the Generation of Collaboration Skills in University Students

A Case Study


  • Greison Moreno Murillo Universidad Antonio Nariño



Skills, Collaboration, Telematics, Innovation, Content, Autonomy, Meanings


This article is part of an investigation-diagnosis carried out at the Antonio Nariño University, Buenaventura headquarters, Colombia, regarding the contributions of Virtual Learning Environments in the generation of collaboration skills in third-semester students of the International Trade program, year 2015. The methodology was supported by the type or qualitative approach and the phenomenological-ethnographic design with which the interview technique was established, which allowed investigating the meanings that the use of these tools at the service of education represents for the subjects of study and, especially, the interactions mediated by information and communication technologies that promote the emergence of new skills in the learners in their learning processes. Among the main conclusions, it was established that the success or failure of the training process and generation of collaboration skills depends on an adequate pedagogy in which the role of the tutor is efficient in terms of the capacities that he wishes to promote, as well as the institutional commitment to provide an effective training around all the possibilities that virtual learning environments offer.

Author Biography

Greison Moreno Murillo, Universidad Antonio Nariño

Candidato a Doctor en Gobernabilidad UBC. Magíster en educación, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México. Docente Universidad Antonio Nariño, sede Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Moreno Murillo G. Incidence of VLE - Virtual Learning Environments in the Generation of Collaboration Skills in University Students: A Case Study. Sabia. Rev. Cient. [Internet]. 2018Jan.1 [cited 2024Nov.22];4(1):166-74. Available from:

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