Valuation of ecosystem services and some experiences in Colombia Western
Valuation of ecosystem services, Total economic value, Techniques for estimating value, Use values, Non - use values.Abstract
Many authors agree that there is no standardized definition of the term “ecosystem services”, which makes it difficult to determine the parameters to be evaluated when it is required to make the valuation of these, also makes the interpretation of the results complex. The United Nations in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) classified ecosystem services into four categories: (i) provisioning services, (ii) regulation services, (iii) support services, and (iv) cultural services. Ecosystem services can be classified into use values and non-use values, the sum of use values and non-use values results in the considered total economic value (VET), which, when expressed in monetary terms, transforms it into a Useful tool for those responsible for developing environmental policies. In order to calculate the VET there are several methods: a) methods of direct market valuation, b) methods of revealed preference and c) methods of declared preference. The experiences with SE valuation schemes implemented in some parts of southwestern Colombia show that not all can be considered as SE payment schemes, although they do have some of the characteristic elements of these methods.
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