Systematization of experiences in learning with anchorage in citizen coexistence.


  • Juan Diego Castrillón Cordovez Universidad Autónoma de Occidente



Citizen coexistence, Listening competence, Learning from contexts


This paper offers a systematization of teaching experiences that were ordered to identify learning strategies to promote citizen coexistence in the context of conflicts.

The experiences take into account approaches determined by both principles and expected results from considerations to the student as the center of the learning process. It offers as an immediate reference the review of activities carried out in a time of pandemic of the Coronavirus with the invitation to active listening musical groups and singers with messages to promote coexistence, as contexts to apply perspectives of Pierre Bourdieu and Gianni Vattimo in particular oriented in the global key to remove the veil to prejudices and stereotypes considering that this was a modular objective.

Author Biography

Juan Diego Castrillón Cordovez, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

Doctor en Humanidades, Universidad del Valle. Magister en Ciencias Políticas de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. Licenciado en Filosofía Summa cum Laude Universidad Pontificia Antoniana Roma.


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How to Cite

Castrillón Cordovez JD. Systematization of experiences in learning with anchorage in citizen coexistence. Sabia. Rev. Cient. [Internet]. 2019Jan.1 [cited 2024Nov.22];5(1):114-29. Available from: