What the war did not take. Approaches from ethnography


  • María Cristina Durán López Fundación Universitaria Popayán
  • Elsy Erazo Fundación Universitaria Popayán




Violence, Post-Conflict, The Baraya sidewalk, Women’s Empowerment, Resistance


The article characterizes the forms of resistance and empowerment that the
Baraya community has constituted in their daily cultural practices. The use of ethnography
as a methodology has allowed us to interpret the diverse meanings of their resistance and
empowerment. It was found that each process they have developed to make resistance to
the adverse situations that have been presented, in which they have been affected directly or
indirectly. Because over time the violence has been maintained in the territories, which has
evolved according to the armed actor that arrives in the area.

Author Biographies

María Cristina Durán López, Fundación Universitaria Popayán

Antropóloga. Universidad del Cauca, Trabajadora Social. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Directora. Programa Académico de Trabajo Social.

Elsy Erazo , Fundación Universitaria Popayán

Trabajadora Social. Fundación Universitaria de Popayán.



How to Cite

Durán López MC, Erazo E. What the war did not take. Approaches from ethnography. Sabia. Rev. Cient. [Internet]. 2019Jan.1 [cited 2024Nov.22];5(1):101-12. Available from: http://ediciones.unipacifico.edu.co/index.php/sabia/article/view/23