Tropical wet forest, a framework of ecological reference for the phytosanitary handling in the tropico


  • Hernando Patiño Cruz Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Agrobiodiversity, Tropical, Tropical ecosystems, Management of phytosanitary barriers


Given the immense environmental costs of phytosanitary practices in tropical regions, in this dissertation, the author presents, with a pedagogical and dialectical integration approach, from multiple scientific and technical perspectives, the importance of refocusing basic aspects of the management of phytosanitary Tropical agroecosystems, which are immersed in megadiverse forest ecosystems. The sequence covered includes, in the first part, aspects such as agriculture and simplification of forest systems, basic aspects of the natural condition of the Neotropic, consequences of the ecological simplification of forest ecosystems as a result of agriculture, the added value of singular agrobiodiversity derived from jungle ecosystems and their implications on plant health, the advantages of jungle exuberance: phytochemistry, allelochemicals, industrial precursors, pesticides, gene banks and germplasm, with such aspects as the agri-environmental benefits of this resource, something Which is widely explained in the second part when weeds are dealt with, which are assumed with a criterion of natural resource of great ecological possibilities, a dissertation that exposes many aspects of the wrong of despising the spontaneous vegetation, ending in a epilogue re-examines the mismanagement approach given to jungle ecosystems and the agro-ecosystems derived from them, given the artificial, eurocentric and ecologically erroneous external view of this natural condition and the consequences of introducing technologies originating in temperate regions that are implement and market in mega-diverse tropical ecosystems, with negative consequences for the ecosphere and human survival.

Author Biography

Hernando Patiño Cruz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Hernando Patiño Cruz (1939-1986), Ingeniero Agrónomo, M.Sc Biólogo, entomólogo, fitopatólogo, gremialista, fue Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


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How to Cite

Patiño Cruz H. Tropical wet forest, a framework of ecological reference for the phytosanitary handling in the tropico. Sabia. Rev. Cient. [Internet]. 2018Jan.1 [cited 2024Nov.25];4(1):150-64. Available from: